Centre for Teaching & Learning

Together in education

Centre for Teaching & Learning

Together in education


Today’s students are tomorrow’s leaders and thinkers.

You’re designing courses for them. You’re sharing your knowledge, supervising, inspiring, and coaching them. You’re making a difference for them. But you’re also making a difference for your subject area, your colleagues, and your faculty. Without you, there would be no broadening of minds and no pushing of boundaries.

What kind of professional do you want to be? What do you want to stand for? What challenge will you take on?

With us you can get your teaching qualifications as well as education, training, and coaching for your personal and professional growth. 

What is your development path?

Browse all the options and choose what fits
your (educational) ambitions!

Hexagon Grid
Hexagon Grid

Not sure which development path is right for you?

Call or e-mail us and we will look at the possibilities together.

Empowering education together

Our impact on educational innovation is greatest when we work together.

Do you have a question or would you like to spar with someone? Or do you just need to step away from your daily educational practice?

We are here for you!

Teaching at VU Amsterdam

Want to know how to integrate A Broader Mind, Activating Blended Education, Community Service Learning, Mixed Classroom, sustainability and entrepreneurship or a combination of these into your teaching?

Then get inspired by articles, interviews, videos, and podcasts.

About us

Meaningful education and strong teams, through collaborative development with courage and pleasure.
That is what we are striving for!

Shall we build education together?

"From passion, we work together. Committed. With pleasure. So that your unique ideas and insights get all the space they need. And you learn from other perspectives. Together we learn and change with the world around us. This is how we build good education."

Our promises

Together we
make it meaningful

We begin with your question, determine a starting point together, and guide you in your growth process.

Your perspective matters

There is room for your ideas and insights. We learn and inspire each other to innovate.

We believe in your talent

Discover your individuality and remain authentic. We contribute to your ability to solve problems and respect autonomy. 

Inclusive learning environment

We offer a safe and inclusive environment that invites reflection and challenges you to grow, as individuals, and as a team.

Nieuwsbrief Centre for Teaching & Learning

Explore your development path

Hexagon Grid

Example development path

Assessment specialist

Hexagon Grid

Start-to-Teach Day | UTQ | Basic Qualification Examination | Expert Educational Design | Consultation for teachers | SKO | Senior Qualification Examination

Duration: 8 to 12 years

Example development path

Teacher coach

Hexagon Grid

Start-to-Teach Day | Training for Mentors/Tutors | UTQ | Coaching Students | Mixed Classroom in Practice | SKO | Inspired Supervision: Supervising PhD Students

Duration: 8 to 12 years

Example development path

Educational designer

Hexagon Grid

Start-to-Teach Day | UTQ | Consultation for teachers | Expert Educational Design | SKO | Big Ideas in Curriculum Design | ELC

Duration: 8 to 12 years

Example development path

Educational leader

Hexagon Grid

Start-to-teach dag | BKO | Mixed Classroom in Practice| SKO | Inclusief leiderschap| | Bouwen aan sterke onderwijsteams | LOL

Duration: 8 to 12 years


Our team is ready to answer your questions.

Centre for Teaching & Learning  |  ctl@vu.nl  |  020 – 5984263